We are lucky enough to have an adjustable T-ball T. It has one of those bendy stands so you can actually configure it any which way you want to. While we do use it for T-ball we also have managed to use it for many other activities as well. Here are a few of the things we like to work on/use this toy for:
1. Standard and not so standard t-ball. However you set this up it is great for working on balance, bilateral coordination, hand-eye coordination, weight shifting and trunk rotation. We have had the kiddos use this as a standard t-ball set up and often have to progress from hand over hand to letting them do it on their own. We have put tape x’s on the bat so they have an idea of where to hit the ball (they usually like to swing downwards at it) and we start with small swings and work up to big swings. We have also had kiddos who are really working on standing balance hold a bat with two hands and either swing at the ball or just stab at it (with the end of the bat) to try to knock the ball off the T. The swinging at the ball has the child using trunk rotation as well as lateral weight shifting while ‘stabbing’ at the ball can help them with forward and backward weight shifting. You’d be amazed for some kids how hard it is to keep both hands on the bat.
2. Ring toss – We have used pool rings to play ring toss (or ring place) with the adjustable T. When it is actually tossed this can help a child with hand-eye coordination, and throwing/tossing skills. We have used it with children on balance boards and had them shift their weight to reach for the T so they can place the ring on it. This also allows us to work on cross body reaching and weight shifting in all directions. We then also have the kids squat to pick the rings up either from the ground before they put them on the T or to get them back off the T.
3. Visual Tracking – Because our T is bendable we can make dips and turns in it and we will have kids place rings over it and try not to hit the ring to the support. They will have to follow the twists and turns to make this happen. In addition they may need to use both hands to help them which will encourage bilateral coordination.
How else have you used a T-ball T?